A Song About The Truth

The music video "Love It If We Made It" From the new album of the pop band The 1975 "A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships" Shows a strong socio-political protest expressing how we, as a society, feel about the events that are happening in the world.

It's impressive how a "Pop Band" points out these events in such a way making it into a song. Even though everyone knows that pop bands are not supposed to. "But we need to show them the truth of what we are living today" The lead singer Matty Healy said.

This song goes from Lil Peep's death to Alan Kurdi's death, the kid who's body was found death in a beach in Syria back in 2015.

"Rest in peace Lil Peep
Beauty is on the streets"

"Beauty is on the streets, but people can't see that" Matty Healy said on a lyric video.

"And poison me daddy
I got the jones
Right through my bones
Write in a piece of stone
A beach of drowning three year olds"

Explaining that in Syria it was not a big deal that the kid died.

This and many more aspects of what's happening in the world is stated in that song, and it's a song that everyone should listen and analyze its lyrics.

To see the music video click here